Monday, February 22, 2010


During the past couple of weeks many things have come and gone and i find myself pondering everyday wondering what the true message i learned helped teached or relized for that particular day. Through a dear friend i have managed to understand some of the lessons that i learned. (yes i know i am confusing to follow)
lesson one
life is short EMBRACE every minute you have
lesson two
children grow so fast EMBRACE every minute you have with them the good the bad and the not so fun ones

lesson three
when you think your life is hard or you feel like giving up EMBRACE the good that you have in your life instead of feeling the bad and focus on the positive (heaven knows it could be worse)

This post may not make sense to you but i have to occasionaly write my feelings out. So many times i go week to week and dont truely slow down to reflect on all the good things that are going on in one day. My children are my world and so many days after i have put them to bed, i think to myself what or have i taught them that day. (usually it is not the answer i would like it to be) I want my kids to know of the love that i posses for them i want them to carry there spirits high and have others recognize how phenominal each one of my children are.

My friend posted about the different things she chooses to EMBRACE in her life and asked those that read her blog to do the following. (so you all don't think i am nuts) try doing it to you may learn something about yourself.

1 comment:

  1. awww... so cute Jana. I'm glad you did this. Your children are blessed. {you are a great mommy}.
